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  • Writer's pictureAlicia Liebel-Berg

Keepsake Art - Where to begin?

As a career mom, my kids attend daycare during the week. Because of this, and my awesome daycare provider, they come home with all sorts of little art projects. Every, single, time I walk in the door they come running to say hello. After rounds of warm hugs they dash off to bring me their art work. I wish I could adequately photograph their beaming faces as they show me what they have made. They are so proud of their work and I gush over each one.

Recently I have struggled working out means and methods to display their work. I needed something more than a bulletin board while also searching for a means of integrating their work into my existing seasonal design decor.

Furthermore, I only have a few precious years of their adorable and earnest attempts. The time to show them how proud I am of them is now.

Thus: When in doubt, check your stash.

In my storage room I was able to locate two wayward, yet important items. A large circular twig wreath and tiny clothes pins. The solution was born.

Using the tiny clothes pins and the twiggy nature of the wreath I hung each of their pieces from October till Thanksgiving until I had this beautiful curated collection. The final, yet beautiful thing about this project was the fact that it grew and evolved, the wreath was a beautiful, standalone piece and it was able to thrive in place until all of the art work adorned it. The one process photo of it is below. I was working on photographing an Indian Corn arrangement.

Overall this is the beauty of taking something that both you and your children think is precious and finding a way to put it on center stage. The walls of your home are their art gallery. By hanging up their work with love you create memories for them that will live long after they recognize just how special you were for doing it in the first place.

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